. You are not satisfied with the product you bought? There is some essential information missing or item is defected?
You can easily make a complaint by contacting customer service using the instructions in this article.
How do I make a complaint?
- You need to make a complaint immediately and no later than seven (7) days after you've received the item. Complaint must be done by buyer her-/himself.
- If you want to make a complaint about the vehicle please do not start any repair work before making a claim. The purchased vehicle must be kept as it is at the time of purchase, if the vehicle is intended to be complained about and/or deal canceled.
- Natural wear and tear and the completion of the life cycle of a vehicle part are not mistakes for which Huutokaupat.com is responsible.Huutokaupat.com sells more or less used vehicles, all of which wear out in normal use. Huutokaupat.com is responsible for the fault of a vehicle part in accordance with the life cycle model, according to the recommendation of the consumer advisory board. Below are examples of the assumed life cycles of vehicle parts:
- Engine approx. 300,000 km.
- Gearbox and transmission approx. 200,000 km / 10 years.
- Vehicle auxiliary equipment (starter, charger, air conditioning compressor, etc.) approx. 150,000 km.
- Turbocharger 200,000 km / 10 years.
- Flywheel 200,000 km / 10 years.
- Exhaust pipe 50,000 km.
- Air conditioner compressor 200,000 km / 10 years.
- Electrical engineering for 10 years.
- You can easily get the complaint form by logging in with the credentials you used to purchase the item and the contacting us via the contact form. Mark "Asiani koskee" under "Ostamista". Please include the issued auction number already in the first message.
Filling the form of reclamation
You easily get the form of reclamation from customer service, asiakaspalvelu@huutokaupat.com. Please include the issued auction number already in the first message.
Please fill the form carefully. Tell us what happened and/or what is wrong with the item. Also, you can mention how the matter should be resolved. So we get the necessary information and try to find the best possible solution.
For the time being, it is not possible directly attach documents, images or video to the form. Please send those us immediately after sending the complaint.
- Collect related documents, e.g. pictures of defect and send them attached on e-mail to customer service. Remember to write the auction number (!) to the message.
Process of complaint
After filling and sending out complaint, we kindly ask you to remain patient. Our claims team will keep you informed during the progress of the claim.
The processing of complaints varies, but we normally reply to your complaint by email within 4-7 business days. Complaints are processed only on weekdays.
Complaints are handled in writing (by e-mail) and we unfortunately cannot comment on complaints over the phone in customer service. If you would like to provide more information regarding your complaint or ask about it, please reply to the original e-mail (message chain). It is the fastest and most efficient way.