Customer service

Opening Hours

  • We respond to messages: On weekdays from 8 AM to 8 PM, on weekends and public holidays from 12 PM to 8 PM
  • Phone service: On weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM, closed on weekends and public holidays
  • Exceptional opening hours: The phone service is closed on April 3, 2025.


The chatbot is available 24/7, every day of the year. Please log in to our service before starting the chat and mention the auction number, if applicable, in your message. This will help us handle your matter more quickly. You can open the chat by clicking the green chat icon in the bottom right corner of the page. To use the chat, you need to enable cookies.

Contact form

You can easily reach us via our contact form. First, log in to, then go to the Oma sivu section and select Ota yhteyttä. Please remember to include the auction number in your message, if applicable. 

Other contacts

WhatsApp, +358 (0) 4697 31957
E-mail, [email protected]
Phone, +358 (0)9 4241 3200 (mpm/pvm)

When Contacting Us

  • To ensure we can identify you, please always contact us using the contact information saved on your user account. If your contact details have changed, you can update them while logged in on the Oma sivu section.
  • When writing to us or calling, please include or have ready the auction number related to your inquiry.
  • We process messages in the order they are received, so please send only one message per topic.

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