This article tells how the advertiser manages change of the vehicle ownership.
Congratulations, a new owner has been found for the vehicle!
Register change of the vehicle ownership forward when
- the buyer has paid for the item. You will then receive a request by e-mail to change the owner of the vehicle.
- you have agreed with the buyer to pick up the vehicle. It's best to arrange pickup immediately after payment.
Make sure that
- the vehicle can be used in traffic (if it is roadworthy). If not, make vehicle commissioning before change of the vehicle ownership
- the vehicle has no unpaid vehicle taxes. The advertiser must pay the outstanding taxes before change of the vehicle ownership!
Make a change of the vehicle ownership
You can easily make a change of the vehicle ownership in Traficom's electronic service.
- Please note! In the Traficom service, mark the "Luovutuspäivä", day on which you are changing the owner (and not, for example, the day the auction ended) as the same day you are doing a change of the vehicle ownership.
- We receive information about the change of the vehicle ownership from Traficom, so there is no need to notify us separately about it.
- In all transactions, the vehicle is registered to Mezzoforte Oy. However, if it is a transaction directly between users (Käyttäjien välinen kauppa, article in finnish), the change of ownership will be made directly to the buyer.
- If necessary, instead of a handover notice, you can also do a direct registration:
Mezzoforte Oy
Company number: 2004568-7
Address: Porkkalankatu 5, 00180 Helsinki
Insurance company: Pohjola Vakuutus
Boat registration
Boat registrations are done directly from the seller to the buyer. Oy does not handle boat registration for the time being.