What does Huutokaupat.com's vehicle insurance cover?

When the vehicle is sold in Huutokaupat.com, it has a minimum coverage insurance on our behalf.

Our storage insurance is valid

as long as the vehicle is technically in the name of Huutokaupat.com in Traficom, i.e

  • when the buyer has paid for the item and
  • the declarant transferred the vehicle to the name of Huutokaupat.com and
  • change of vehicle ownership has not yet been made to the auction buyer.

When Huutokaupat.com has made a change of vehicle ownership to the buyer, the insurance is valid for seven (7) days. If the buyer does not take the vehicle into his own name within this time and make his own insurance contract, the vehicle is not insured and should not be driven.

The storage insurance compensates

Storage insurance covers the following damage caused to the other party in the event of an accident:

  • damage to vehicles, objects and buildings
  • repair costs
  • according to the fair price of the redemption, if the repair is not profitable
  • transport costs to the doctor
  • medical expenses
  • loss of earnings expenses
  • expenses arising from rehabilitation and retraining. Expenses can be caused, for example, by permanent disability.

The storage insurance does not compensate

The following things are not covered by warehouse insurance

  • Damage to your own vehicle
  • Clothing, luggage or other property of the owner, holder or driver
  • Property damage caused by an unknown vehicle (e.g. broken side mirror)

If you wish, you can get more extensive insurance for the vehicle you have purchased as soon as you have received the deed of sale in your email.

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